
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Messiah Countdown

Tomorrow I am starting a Messiah quote-a-day countdown till Christmas. I thought you would like to know a little about the Messiah. It starts with prophecies of Jesus' first coming, and then his birth and ministry, followed by his death and resurrection. Then it talks about the preaching of God's Word, and ends with prophecies of Jesus second coming.

The Messiah was an oratorio composed in 1741 by George Frederick Handel. Charles Jennens selected the text from the King James Bible, and another version common at the time. The first performance was on April 13, 1742 in Dublin. It was well received there, but it was not as popular in London for quite a while.

The text of the Messiah is entirely from the Bible. Sometimes when I am reading the Bible, I come across verses that I know from the Messiah, and the music starts running through my head. I was reading the Revelation Record recently and it mentioned a lot of the verses were familiar to me from the Messiah.

I really hope you like it. The posts will go up once a day, but I will still keep up on my regular posting as well.

Source: "Handel" Encyclopædia Britannica ("First Published in 1768 by A Society of Gentlemen in Scotland"), the 1968 bicentennial edition.

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